Saturday, December 7, 2013

A List of Lists... Goals, To-Do's, To-Buy's for the Year's End

Now that 2013 is almost over, not only am I writing down my "naughty and nice list" aka people we should be giving presents, but I am also writing down a list of our to-do's before we migrate, our moving itinerary for 2014 once we land in Canada, and a list of my to-do's (and to-cook) for the holidays. Bit by bit, I am already collecting ingredients for my Christmas menu--herbs, spices, cookie and pie ingredients, etc.

Aside from that, I am also writing down my list of goals for the coming year. I personally do not believe in resolutions. I mean, people always write things like...

New Year's Resolution:
1. Be nice
2. Be more compassionate
3. Abs
4. Abs
5. Abs
6. Stop hoarding
7. No more shopping sprees

Trust me, you can only go with number one and two. I'm pretty sure you won't last a year sticking on to the rest of that list!

Anywayyy... I made my own list of goals. Not resolutions. I want attainable things. You know, just simple ones that you can assure yourself you can always do--pursue drawing, get my eldest through her first year of school, learn to drive, learn to cook more recipes--stuff like that. Oh yea, and I also wanna make my own bacon, turducken, etc. I love food, don't judge me. Haha!

Nothing's wrong with the resolutions, mind you. But then again, if you come to think of it, those things that you would write EVERY SINGLE YEAR is not going to work if you'd just write it down. You wanna be nice, be nice. You wanna go on a diet, then go. Don't just do it this week, then stop the next just because "you were PMS'ing" or something. If you want something, set it as a goal. Eye on the prize!

What I'm trying to say is, resolutions are firm decisions. That said, you shouldn't be writing about something you are "firm" to do so, if you're not really into it. You'd rather aspire, and then step by step, you reach that particular goal you once wrote on your old list of resolutions.

Well, that's just me. Lemme know what you think. What are your 2014 plans?

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